12/29/06 07/04/06 04/21/06 12/09/05 10/04/05 09/24/05 5/04/05 1/15/05 12/11/04 10/24/04 07/10/04 04/14/04 02/20/04 TRS80 has a fantastic new album out, Shake Hands With Danger, and it's pretty damned impressive. go check it out. Heard Danger Mouse's Grey Album? Basically it's Jay-Z's Black
Album vs. the Beatle's White Album. This would be a little
nicer in a more complex instrumental form, but wtf, it's against the
establishment, so here tis: 12/30/03 Bigside Left snuck into the television scene with some music for the WB TV show, Toni On, recently–watch for it some late night, I'm not sure when it airs again. I've not got the original up, but there's a slightly hipper version called Cha Cha that's ready for you to stick in your ipod. As long as I'm rambling in commercial sell-out mode, have a look at the bottom of the audio page for something to use in your newest Nike or BMW commercial. Give me a jingaling if you're interested in using something. Aniligital Music's All Your Beats Are Belong to Us Volume 1 is available for purchase here. Pick one up before they're all gone. Volume 2 is in the works I hear, and hopefully they'll be a bit more readily available. I'll keep you posted. A proper full length Bigside Left album should appear here someday. There's certainly enough material... It is all a matter of deciding how to disribute it without exerting too much energy. In the meantime, just download all the mp3s here. Is Bigside Left lazy? No, not really, I just keep really busy with lots of different projects and nobody has knocked on the door with a pretty opportunity. Come and knock on my door, I'll be waiting for you... Trancenden's new album, Alphabeats, will be out shortly, watch for that, it's kick-ass. It includes a Bigside Left collaboration, Within Earshot, that Mr. Klein and I put together in October. Just finished a pretty snazzy video for it, take a peek in the video section. I'll post a link to the full album here once it is all set and done. I always feel obligated to say something here about the mystery of squidattack.com... and well, I don't have much to say. We've sort of lost stream in the production arena, so I'll probably just turn it into a blog at some point when I'm feeling particularly guilty about the growing mold. There's just too much other shit going on. Let me know if I'm still doing things right... or not, all criticism is welcome.